
Author Title Year Journal/Proceedings DOI
Hans-Joachim Elmers | Publons >2017
A. A. Sapozhnik, R. Abrudan, Yu. Skourski, M. Jourdan, H. Zabel, M. Kläui, H.-J. Elmers Manipulation of antiferromagnetic domain distribution in Mn 2 Au by ultrahigh magnetic fields and by strain 2017 Phys. Status Solidi RRL
pp. 1-4
K. Medjanik, O. Fedchenko, S. Chernov, D. Kutnyakhov, M. Ellguth, A. Oelsner, B. Schönhense, T. R. F. Peixoto, P. Lutz, C.-H. Min, F. Reinert, S. Däster, Y. Acremann, J. Viefhaus, W. Wurth, H. J. Elmers & G. Schönhense Direct 3D mapping of the Fermi surface and Fermi velocity 2017 Nature Materials DOI
Erik D. Schaefer, Stephan Borek, Jürgen Braun, Ján Minár, Hubert Ebert, Katerina Medjanik, Dmytro Kutnyakhov, Gerd Schönhense, and Hans-Joachim Elmers Vectorial spin polarization detection in multichannel spin-resolved photoemission spectroscopy using an Ir(001) imaging spin filter 2017 Phys Rev B
Vol. 95, pp. 104423
A. Kronenberg, J. Braun, J. Minar, H.-J. Elmers, D. Kutnyakhov, A. V. Zaporozhchenko, R. Wallauer, S. Chernov, K. Medjanik, G. Schonhense, M. Klaui, S. Chadov, H. Ebert, and M. Jourdan Dirac cone and pseudogapped density of states in the topological half-Heusler compound YPtBi 2016 Phys Rev B
Vol. 94, pp. 161108
A. Chernenkaya, A. Morherr, S. Backes, W. Popp, S. Witt, X. Kozina, S. A. Nepijko, M. Bolte, K. Medjanik, G. Öhrwall, C. Krellner, M. Baumgarten, H. J. Elmers, G. Schönhense, H. O. Jeschke, and R. Valentí Microscopic origin of the charge transfer in single crystals based on thiophene derivatives: A combined NEXAFS and density functional theory approach 2016 The Journal of Chemical Physics
Vol. 145, pp. 034702
D. Kutnyakhov, S. Chernov, K. Medjanik, R. Wallauer, C. Tusche, M. Ellguth, S. A. Nepijko, M. Krivenkov, J. Braun, S. Borek, J. Minár, H. Ebert, H. J. Elmers, and G. Schönhense Spin texture of time-reversal symmetry invariant surface states on W(110) 2016 Scientific Reports
Vol. 6, pp. 29394
P. Happ, A. Sapozhnik, J. Klanke, P. Czaja, A. Chernenkaya, K. Medjanik, S. Schuppler, P. Nagel, M. Merz,E. Rentschler, and H. J. Elmers Analyzing the enforcement of a high-spin ground state for a metallacrown single-molecule magnet 2016 Phys Rev B
Vol 93, pp. 174404
C. Tusche, P. Goslawski, D. Kutnyakhov, M. Ellguth, K. Medjanik, H. J. Elmers, S. Chernov, R. Wallauer, D. Engel, A. Jankowiak, and G. Schonhense Multi-MHz time-of-flight electronic bandstructure imaging of graphene on Ir(111) 2016 Applied Physics Letter
Vol 108, pp. 261602
St Borek, J Braun, J Minár, D Kutnyakhov, H-J Elmers, G Schönhense and H Ebert Determination of surface and interface magnetic properties for the multiferroic heterostructure Co/BaTiO3 using spleed and arpes 2016 J. Phys.: Condens. Matter
Vol 28, pp. 436004
P. Klaer, G. Razinskas, M. Lehr, X. Wu, B. Hecht, F. Schertz, H.-J. Butt, G. Schönhense, H. J. Elmers Polarization dependence of plasmonic near‑field enhanced photoemission from cross antennas 2016 Appl. Phys. B
Vol 122, pp. 136
H. J. Elmers, R. Wallauer, M. Liebmann, J. Kellner, M. Morgenstern, R. N. Wang, J. E. Boschker, R. Calarco, J. Sanchez-Barriga, O. Rader, D. Kutnyakhov, S. V. Chernov, K. Medjanik, C. Tusche, M. Ellguth, H. Volfova, St. Borek, J. Braun, J. Minar, H. Ebert, and G. Schonhense Spin mapping of surface and bulk Rashba states in ferroelectric α-GeTe(111) films 2016 Phys Rev B
Vol 94, pp. 201403
Erik D. Schaefer, Sergey V. Chernov, Alexey A. Sapozhnik, Dmytro M. Kostyuk, Anna V. Zaporozhchenko, Serhiy I. Protsenko, Matthias Bode, Sergej A. Nepijko, Hans-Joachim Elmers, and Gerd Schönhense Morphological and magnetic analysis of Fe nanostructures on W(110) by using scanning tunneling microscopy and Lorentz microscopy 2016 Japanese Journal of Applied Physics
Vol 55, pp. 02BC11
Daniel Guterding, Sandra Diehl, Michaela Altmeyer, Torsten Methfessel, Ulrich Tutsch, Harald Schubert, Michael Lang, Jens Müller, Michael Huth, Harald O. Jeschke, Roser Valentí, Martin Jourdan, and Hans-Joachim Elmers Evidence for Eight-Node Mixed-Symmetry Superconductivity in a Correlated Organic Metal 2015 PRL
Vol 116, pp. 237001
S.V. Chernov, K. Medjanik, C. Tusche, D. Kutnyakhov, S.A. Nepijko, A. Oelsner, J. Braun, J. Minár, e, S. Borek, H. Ebert, H.J. Elmers, J. Kirschner, G. Schönhense Anomalous d-like surface resonances on MO(110) analyzed by time-of-flight momentum microscopy 2015 Ultramicroscopy 159
Vol 159, 3, pp. 453–463
Oleg N. Martyanov, Dmitriy A. Balaev, Oleksandr V. Pylypenko, Larisa V. Odnodvorets, Sergey V. Chernov, Sergej A. Nepijko, Hans-Joachim Elmers, Claus M. Schneider, Gerd Schonhense FMR Investigations of Two-dimensional Periodic Arrays of Disc-shaped Co Particles at Different Temperatures 2015 J Supercond Nov Magn
Vol 28, 12, pp. 3587–3591
D. Kutnyakhov, H. J. Elmers, G. Schönhense, C. Tusche, S. Borek, J. Braun, J. Minár, and H. Ebert Specular reflection of spin-polarized electrons from the W(001) spin-filter crystal in a large range of scattering energies and angles 2015 Phys Rev B
Vol 91, 1, pp. 014416
Koplak, O.V., Chernenkaya, A., Medjanik, K., Brambilla, A., Gloskovskii, A., Calloni, A., Elmers, H.-J., Schönhense, G., Ciccacci, F., Morgunov, R.B. Spectroscopic fingerprints for charge localization in the organic semiconductor (DOEO)(4)[HgBr4]center dot TCE 2015 EPJ B
Vol 88, 5, pp. 120
Braun, J., Jourdan, M., Kronenberg, A., Chadov, S., Balke, B., Kolbe, M., Gloskovskii, A., Schönhense, G., Elmers, H.-J., Felser, C., Kläui, M., Ebert, H., Minar, J. Monitoring surface resonances on Co2MnSi(100) by spin-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy 2015 Phys Rev B
Vol 91, 19, pp. 5129
Zaporozhchenko, A., Chernov, S.V., Odnodvorets, L.V., Stetsenko, B. V., Nepijko, S. A., Elmers, H.-J., Schönhense, G. Photon-assisted field emission from a Si tip at addition of an AC low voltage 2015 Applied Physics A - Materials Science + Processing
Vol 120, 1, pp. 161-165
Diehl, S., Methfessel, T., Tutsch, U., Müller, J., Lang, M., Huth, M., Jourdan, M., Elmers, H.-J. Disorder-induced gap in the normal density of states of the organic superconductor kappa-(BEDT-TTF)(2)Cu[N(CN)(2)]Br 2015 Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter
Vol 27, 26, pp. 5601
Klaer, P., Razinskas, G., Lehr, M., Krewer, K., Schertz, F., Wu, X.-F., Hecht, B., Schönhense, G., Elmers, H.-J. Robustness of plasmonic angular momentum confinement in cross resonant optical antennas 2015 Applied Physics Letter
Vol 106, 26, pp. 1101
Jourdan, M., Braeuning, H., Sapozhnik, A., Elmers, H.-J., Zabel, H., Kläui, M. Epitaxial Mn2Au thin films for antiferromagnetic spintronics 2015 Journal of Physics D - Applied Physics
Vol 48, 38, pp. 5001
Schönhense, G., Medjanik, K., Elmers, H.J. Space-, time- and spin-resolved photoemission 2015 Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena
Vol 200, pp. 94-118
Shpetnyi, I., Kovalenko, A.S., Klimenkov, M., Protsenko, I.Yu., Chernov, S.V., Nepijko, S.A., Elmers, H.J., Schlönhense, G. Characterization and magnetic properties of nanoparticles based on FePt solid solution with an oxide shell 2015 JMMM
Vol 373, pp. 231
Medjanik, K., de Souza, M., Kutnyakhov, D., Gloskovskii, A., Mlüller, J., Lang, M., Pouget, J. P., Foury-Leylekian, P., Moradpour, A., Elmers, H. J., and Schl&öuml;nhense, G. Hard X-ray photoemission study of the Fabre salts (TMTTF)2X (X = SbF6 and PF6) 2014 Eur. Phys. J. B
Vol 87, pp. 256
Mariager,S.O., Dornes,C., Johnson, J. A., Ferrer, A., Grlübel, S., Huber, T., Caviezel, A., Johnson, S. L., Eichhorn, T., Jakob, G., Elmers, H. J., Beaud, P., Quitmann, C. and Ingold, G. Structural and magnetic dynamics in the magnetic shape-memory alloy Ni2MnGa 2014 Phys Rev B
Vol 90, pp. 161103(R)
Emmel, M., Alfonsov, A., Legut, D., Kehlberger, A., Vilanova, E., Krug, I. P., Gottlob, D. M., Belesi, M., Büchner, B., Kläui, M., Oppeneer, P. M., Wurmehl, S., Elmers, H. J. and Jakob, G. Direct observation of half-metallicity in the Heusler compound Co2MnSi 2014 JMMM
Vol 368, pp. 364
Jourdan, M., Minar, J., Braun, J., Kronenberg, A., Chadov, S., Balke, B., Gloskovskii, A., Kolbe, M., Elmers, H. J., Schönhense, G., Ebert, H., Felser, C. and Kläui, M. Direct observation of half-metallicity in the Heusler compound Co2MnSi 2014 Nat Comm
Vol 5, pp. 3974
Chernov, S. V., Makukha, Z. M., Protsenko, I. Y., Nepijko, S. A., Elmers, H. J. and Schönhense, G. Test object for emission electron microscope 2014 Appl Phys A
Vol 114, pp. 1383
Bayer, D., Diehl, S., Baumgarten, M., Müllen, K., Methfessel, T. and Elmers, H. J. Tuning the hole injection barrier in the intermolecular charge-transfer compound DTBDT-F4TCNQ at metal interfaces 2014 Phys Rev B
Vol 89, pp. 075435
Klaer, P., Schertz, F., Lehr, M., Schönhense, G. and Elmers, H. J. Spin-polarized photoelectrons resonantly excited by circularly polarized light from a fractional Ag film on GaAs(100) 2013 Phys Rev B
Vol 88, pp. 214425
Elmers, H. J., Kallmayer, M., Klaer, P. New Materials with High Spin Polarization Investigated by X-Ray Magnetic Circular Dichroism 2013 in "Spintronics", Springer Netherlands,
Felser, C. and Fecher, G. (Eds.)
pp. 221-241
Klaer, P., Herper, H. C., Entel, P., Niemann, R., Schultz, L., Flähler, S. and Elmers, H. J. Electronic structure of the austenitic and martensitic state of magnetocaloric Ni-Mn-In Heusler alloy films 2013 Phys Rev B
Vol 88, pp. 174414
Elmers, H. J., Chernenkaya, A., Medjanik, K., Emmel, M., Jakob, G., Schönhense, G., Gottlob, D., Krug, I., de Groot, F. M. F., Gloskovskii, A. Exchange coupling in the correlated electronic states of amorphous GdFe films 2013 Phys Rev B
Vol 88, pp. 174407
Nepijko, S. A., Elmers, H. J., Schönhense, G., Demydenko, M. H., Protsenko, S. I. and Kostyuk, D. M. Magnetoresistive properties of Fe3O4 nanoparticles embedded in a Cu matrix 2013 Appl Phys A
Vol 112, pp. 463
Kutnyakhov, D., Lushchyk, P., Fognini, A., Perriard, D., Kolbe, M., Medjanik, K., Fedchenko, E., Nepijko, S. A., Elmers, H. J., Salvatella, G., Stieger, C., Gort, R., Blähler, T., Michlmayer, T., Acremann, Y., Vaterlaus, A., Giebels, F., Gollisch, H., Feder, R., Tusche, C., Krasyuk, A., Kirschner, J. and Schönhense, G. Imaging spin filter for electrons based on specular reflection from iridium (001) 2013 Ultramicroscopy
Vol 130, pp. 63
Nepijko, S. A., Pylypenko, O. V., Odnodvorets, L. V., Kisker, E., Elmers, H. J. and Schönhense, G. Quadratic magnetooptical effects in two-dimensional permalloy particles investigated by scanning X-ray microscopy 2013 J Appl Phys A
Vol 111, pp. 557
Nepijko, S. A., Petrov, A., Kondrakhova, D., Protsenko, I. Yu, Elmers, H. J. and Schönhense, G. Investigation of exchange bias effect of fine cobalt particles with oxidized surface 2013 J Nanopart Res
Vol 15, pp. 1603
Klanke, J., Rentschler, E., Medjanik, K., Kutnyakhov, D., Schönhense, G., Krasnikov, S., Shvets, I. V., Schuppler, S., Nagel, P., Merz, M. and Elmers, H. J., Beyond the Heisenberg Model: Anisotropic Exchange Interaction between a Cu-Tetraazaporphyrin Monolayer and Fe3O4(100) 2013 PRL
Vol 110, pp. 137202
S.A. Nepijko, D. Kutnyakhov, I.E. Protsenko, H.J. Elmers, G. Schönhense, Structure and magnetic properties of one-dimensional chains of ferromagnetic nanoparticles 2012 Appl. Phys. A
Vol 109, pp. 669
Nakagawa, T. and Takagi, Y. and Yokoyama, T. and Methfessel, T. and Diehl, S. and Elmers, H. J. Giant magnetic anisotropy energy and coercivity in Fe island and atomic wire on W(110) 2012 Phys. Rev. B
Vol 86, pp. 144418
T. Eichhorn, R. Hausmanns, P. Klaer, M. Kallmayer, H.J. Elmers, G. Jakob Structure and Microscopic Magnetism of Epitaxial Ni-Mn-Ga Films 2012 Adv. Engineering Mater.
Vol 14, pp. 687
M. Kolbe, S. Chadov, E. Arbelo Jorge, G. Schönhense, C. Felser, H.J. Elmers, M. Kläui, and M. Jourdan, Test of band structure calculations for Heusler compounds by spin-resolved photoemission spectroscopy 2012 Phys. Rev. B
Vol 86, pp. 024422
F. Schertz, M. Schmelzeisen, M. Kreiter, H.J. Elmers, and G. Schönhense Field Emission of Electrons Generated by the Near Field of Strongly Coupled Plasmons 2012 Phys. Rev. Lett.
Vol 108, pp. 237602
M. Schwall, L. M. Schoop, S. Ouardi, B. Balke, C. Felser, P. Klaer, H.J. Elmers Thermomagnetic Properties Improved by Self-Organized Flower-Like Phase Separation of Ferromagnetic Co2Dy0.5Mn0.5Sn 2012 AdvFuncMat
Vol 22, pp. 1822
F. Schertz, M. Schmelzeisen, R. Mohammadi, M. Kreiter, H.J. Elmers, and G. Schönhense Near Field of Strongly Coupled Plasmons: Uncovering Dark Modes 2012 Nano Letters
Vol 12, pp. 1885
K. Medjanik, D. Chercka, P. Nagel, M. Merz, S. Schuppler, M. Baumgarten, K. Müllen, S.A. Nepijko, H. J. Elmers, G. Schönhense, H. O. Jeschke, and R. Valenti Orbital-Resolved Partial Charge Transfer from the Methoxy Groups of Substituted Pyrenes in Complexes with Tetracyanoquinodimethane-A NEXAFS Study 2012 J. Am. Chem. Soc
Vol 134, pp. 4694
K. Hild, G. Schönhense, H. J. Elmers, T. Nakagawa, T. Yokoyama, K. Tarafder, P.M. Oppeneer Dominance of the first excitation step for magnetic circular dichroism in near-threshold two-photon photoemission 2012 Phys. Rev. B
Vol 85, pp. 014426
C. A. Jenkins, A. Scholl, R. Kainuma, H.J. Elmers, and T. Omori Temperature-induced martensite in magnetic shape memory Fe2MnGa observed by photoemission electron microscopy 2012 Appl. Phys. Lett.
Vol. 100, pp. 032401
Entel, P., Dannenberg, A., Siewert, M., Herper, H. C., Gruner, M. E., Comtesse, D., Elmers, H. J., and Kallmayer, M. Basic Properties of Magnetic Shape-Memory Materials from First-Principles Calculations 2012 Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A
43A, pp. 2891
Methfessel, T., Steil, S., Baadji, N., Großmann, N., Koffler, K., Sanvito, S., Aeschlimann, M., Cinchetti, M., Elmers, H.J. Spin scattering and spin-polarized hybrid interface states at a metal-organic interface 2011 Physical Review B
Vol. 84(22), pp. 224403
Kolbe, M., Lushchyk, P., Petereit, B., Elmers, H. J., Schönhense, G., Oelsner, A., Tusche, C. and Kirschner, J. Highly efficient multichannel spin polarization detection 2011 Physical Review Letters
Vol. 107(20), pp. 207601
Klaer, P., Hoffman, F., Woltersdorf, G., Arbelo Jorge, E., Jourdan, M., Back, C.H. and Elmers, H. J. Element-specific ferromagnetic resonance in epitaxial Heusler spin valve systems 2011 Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics
Vol. 44(42), pp. 425004
Kallmayer, M., Klaer, P., Schneider, H., Jakob, G., Elmers, H. J., Legut, D. and Oppeneer, P. M. Element-specific magnetic properties of Co2(Mn1-xFex)Si films probed by x-ray magnetic circular/linear dichroism 2011 Physical Review B
Vol. 84(5), pp. 054448
Trudel, S., Wolf, G., Hamrle, J., Hillebrands, B., Klaer, P., Kallmayer, M., Elmers, H. J., Sukegawa, H., Wang, W. and Inomata, K. Effect of annealing on Co2FeAl0.5Si0.5 thin films: A magneto-optical and x-ray absorption study 2011 Physical Review B
Vol. 83(10), pp. 104412
Klaer, P., Jenkins, C. A., Alijani, V., Winterlik, J., Balke, B., Felser, C. and Elmers, H. J. Disentangling the Mn moments on different sublattices in the half-metallic ferrimagnet Mn3-xCoxGa 2011 Applied Physics Letters
Vol. 98(21), pp. 212510
Klaer, P., Eichhorn, T., Jakob, G. and Elmers, H. J. Microscopic origin of magnetic anisotropy in martensitic Ni2MnGa 2011 Physical Review B
Vol. 83(21), pp. 214419
Mohammadi, R., Unger, A., Elmers, H. J., Schönhense, G., Shushtari, M. Z. and Kreiter, M. Manipulating near field polarization beyond the diffraction limit 2011 Applied Physics B-lasers and Optics
Vol. 104(1), pp. 65-71
Barth, J., Fecher, G. H., Balke, B., Graf, T., Shkabko, A., Weidenkaff, A., Klaer, P., Kallmayer, M., Elmers, H. J., Yoshikawa, H., Ueda, S., Kobayashi, K. and Felser, C. Anomalous transport properties of the half-metallic ferromagnets Co2TiSi, Co2TiGe and Co2TiSn 2011 Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A-mathematical Physical and Engineering Sciences
Vol. 369(1951), pp. 3588-3601
Klaer, P., Balke, B., Alijani, V., Winterlik, J., Fecher, G. H., Felser, C. and Elmers, H. J. Element-specific magnetic moments and spin-resolved density of states in CoFeMnZ (Z = Al, Ga; Si, Ge) 2011 Physical Review B
Vol. 84(14), pp. 144413
Medjanik, K., Perkert, S., Naghavi, S., Rudloff, M., Solovyeva, V., Chercka, D., Huth, M., Nepijko, S.A., Methfessel, T., Felser, C., Baumgarten, M., Müllen, K., Elmers, H.J. and Schönhense, G. Formation of an intermolecular charge-transfer compound in UHV codeposited tetramethoxypyrene and tetracyanoquinodimethane 2010 Physical Review B
Vol. 82(24), pp. 245419
Hild, K., Schönhense, G., Elmers, H.J., Nakagawa, T., Yokoyama, T., Tarafder, K. and Oppeneer, P.M. Energy- and angle-dependent threshold photoemission magnetic circular dichroism from an ultrathin Co/Pt(111) film 2010 Physical Review B
Vol. 82(19), pp. 195430
Graf, T., Klaer, P., Barth, J., Balke, B., Elmers, H.J. and Felser, C. Phase separation in the quaternary Heusler compound CoT1-xMnxSb - A reduction in the thermal conductivity for thermoelectric applications 2010 Scripta Materialia
Vol. 63(12), pp. 1216-1219
Graf, T., Barth, J., Blum, C.G.F., Balke, B., Felser, C., Klaer, P. and Elmers, H.J. Phase-separation-induced changes in the magnetic and transport properties of the quaternary Heusler alloy Co2Mn1-xTixSn 2010 Physical Review B
Vol. 82(10), pp. 104420
Klaer, P., Bos, T., Kallmayer, M., Blum, C.G.F., Graf, T., Barth, J., Balke, B., Fecher, G.H., Felser, C. and Elmers, H.J. Charge transfer and tunable minority band gap at the Fermi energy of a quaternary Co2(MnxTi1-x)Ge Heusler alloy 2010 Physical Review B
Vol. 82(10), pp. 104410
Klaer, P., Jorge, E.A., Jourdan, M., Wang, W.H., Sukegawa, H., Inomata, K. and Elmers, H.J. Temperature dependence of x-ray absorption spectra in the ferromagnetic Heusler alloys Mn2VAl and Co2FeAl 2010 Physical Review B
Vol. 82(2), pp. 024418
Elmers, H.J. and Schönhense, G. Ferromagnetism at the summit: A perspective on: "Spin polarized field emission from Fe and co-coated W tips" by YR Niu and MS Altman 2010 Surface Science
Vol. 604(11-12), pp. 1060-1061
Arbelo Jorge, E., Jourdan, M, Kallmayer, M, Klaer, P and Elmers, H-J Magnetic and structural properties of Co2 FeAl1-xSix thin films 2010 Journal of Physics: Conference Series
Vol. 200(7), pp. 072006
Barth, J., Fecher, G.H., Balke, B., Ouardi, S., Graf, T., Felser, C., Shkabko, A., Weidenkaff, A., Klaer, P., Elmers, H.J., Yoshikawa, H., Ueda, S. and Kobayashi, K. Itinerant half-metallic ferromagnets Co2TiZ (Z=Si, Ge, Sn): Ab initio calculations and measurement of the electronic structure and transport properties 2010 Physical Review B
Vol. 81(6), pp. 064404
Buschbeck, J., Opahle, I., Richter, M., Rossler, U.K., Klaer, P., Kallmayer, M., Elmers, H.J., Jakob, G., Schultz, L. and Fahler, S. Full Tunability of Strain along the fcc-bcc Bain Path in Epitaxial Films and Consequences for Magnetic Properties 2009 Physical Review Letters
Vol. 103(21), pp. 216101
Durr, H.A., Eimuller, T., Elmers, H.J., Eisebitt, S., Farle, M., Kuch, W., Matthes, F., Martins, M., Mertins, H.C., Oppeneer, P.M., Plucinski, L., Schneider, C.M., Wende, H., Wurth, W. and Zabel, H. A Closer Look Into Magnetism: Opportunities With Synchrotron Radiation 2009 IEEE Transactions On Magnetics
Vol. 45(1), pp. 15-57
Elmers, H.J., Conca, A., Eichhorn, T., Gloskovskii, A., Hild, K., Jakob, G., Jourdan, M. and Kallmayer, M. Magnetic and Electronic Properties of Heusler Alloy Films Investigated by X-Ray Magnetic Circular Dichroism 2009 Advances in Solid State Physics
Vol. 48A, pp. 171-182
Gaier, O., Hamrle, J., Hillebrands, B., Kallmayer, M., Porsch, P., Schönhense, G., Elmers, H.J., Fassbender, J., Gloskovskii, A., Jenkins, C.A., Felser, C., Ikenaga, E., Sakuraba, Y., Tsunegi, S., Oogane, M. and Ando, Y. Improvement of structural, electronic, and magnetic properties of Co2MnSi thin films by He+ irradiation 2009 Applied Physics Letters
Vol. 94(15), pp. 152508
Hild, K., Maul, J., Schönhense, G., Elmers, H.J., Amft, M. and Oppeneer, P.M. Magnetic Circular Dichroism in Two-Photon Photoemission 2009 Physical Review Letters
Vol. 102(5), pp. 057207
Hild, K., Emmel, J., Schönhense, G. and Elmers, H.J. Threshold photoemission magnetic circular dichroism at the spin-reorientation transition of ultrathin epitaxial Pt/Co/Pt(111)/W(110) films 2009 Physical Review B
Vol. 80(22), pp. 224426
Jourdan, M., Jorge, E.A., Herbort, C., Kallmayer, M., Klaer, P. and Elmers, H.J. Interface and bulk magnetism of Co2Cr0.6Fe0.4Al and Co2CrAl thin films 2009 Applied Physics Letters
Vol. 95(17), pp. 172504
Kallmayer, M., Pörsch, P., Eichhorn, T., Schneider, H., Jenkins, C.A., Jakob, G. and Elmers, H.J. Compositional dependence of element-specific magnetic moments in Ni2MnGa films 2009 Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics
Vol. 42(8), pp. 084008
Kallmayer, M., Klaer, P., Schneider, H., Jorge, E.A., Herbort, C., Jakob, G., Jourdan, M. and Elmers, H.J. Spin-resolved unoccupied density of states in epitaxial Heusler-alloy films 2009 Physical Review B
Vol. 80(2), pp.020406
Klaer, P., Kallmayer, M., Elmers, H.J., Basit, L., Thone, J., Chadov, S. and Felser, C. Localized magnetic moments in the Heusler alloy Rh2MnGe 2009 Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics
Vol. 42(8), pp. 084001
Klaer, P., Kallmayer, M., Blum, C.G.F., Graf, T., Barth, J., Balke, B., Fecher, G.H., Felser, C. and Elmers, H.J. Tailoring the electronic structure of half-metallic Heusler alloys 2009 Physical Review B
Vol. 80(14), pp. 144405
Methfessel, T. and Elmers, H.J. Morphology and electronic structure of bcc Co(110) and fcc/hcp Co(111) on Fe(110) investigated by STM and STS 2009 Surface Science
Vol. 603(3), pp. 462-468
Schneider, C.M., Krug, I., Muller, M., Matthes, F., Kaiser, A., Wiemann, C., Cramm, S., Elmers, H.J., Wegelin, F., Krasyuk, A., Nepijko, S.A. and Schönhense, G. Investigating spintronics thin film systems with synchrotron radiation 2009 Radiation Physics and Chemistry
Vol. 78, pp. S5-S10
Wegelin, F., Krasyuk, A., Valdaitsev, D.A., Nepijko, S.A., Elmers, H.J., Schönhense, G. and Schneider, C.M. Magnetization dynamics in polycrystalline Permalloy and epitaxial Co platelets observed by time-resolved photoemission electron microscopy 2009 Physica Status Solidi B-basic Solid State Physics
Vol. 246(7), pp. 1476-1482
Hild, K., Maul, J., Meng, T., Kallmayer, M., Schönhense, G., Elmers, H.J., Ramos, R., Arora, S.K. and Shvets, I.V. Optical magnetic circular dichroism in threshold photoemission from a magnetite thin film 2008 Journal of Physics-condensed Matter
Vol. 20(23), pp. 235218
Hovorka, M., Frank, L., Valdaitsev, D., Nepijko, S.A., Elmers, H.S. and Schönhense, G. High-pass energy-filtered photoemission electron microscopy imaging of dopants in silicon 2008 Journal of Microscopy-Oxford
Vol. 230(1), pp. 42-47
Jakob, G., Eichhorn, T., Kallmayer, M. and Elmers, H.J. Martensite Transition and Microscopic Magnetism of Epitaxial Ni2MnGa Films 2008 Materials Research Society - Symposium Proceedings
Vol. 1050-BB08-02
Jenkins, C.A., Ramesh, R., Huth, M., Eichhorn, T., Porsch, P., Elmers, H.J. and Jakob, G. Growth and magnetic control of twinning structure in thin films of Heusler shape memory compound Ni2MnGa 2008 Applied Physics Letters
Vol. 93(23), pp. 234101
Kallmayer, M., Hild, K., Elmers, H.J., Arora, S.K., Wu, H.C., Sofin, R.G.S. and Shvets, I.V. Magnetic moment investigations of epitaxial magnetite thin films 2008 Journal of Applied Physics
Vol. 103(7), pp. 07D715
Porsch, P., Kallmayer, M., Eichhorn, T., Jakob, G., Elmers, H.J., Jenkins, C.A., Felser, C., Ramesh, R. and Huth, M. Suppression of martensitic phase transition at the Ni2MnGa film surface 2008 Applied Physics Letters
Vol. 93(2), pp. 022501
Elmers, H.J. Spin-Polarized Low Energy Electron Diffraction 2007 Handbook of Magnetism and Advanced Magnetic Materials, John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Chichester, UK
H. Kronmüller and S. Parkin (Eds.)
pp. 1444-1469
Jakob, G. and Elmers, H.J. Epitaxial films of the magnetic shape memory material Ni2MnGa 2007 Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials
Vol. 310(2), pp. 2779-2781
Jakob, G., Eichhorn, T., Kallmayer, M. and Elmers, H.J. Correlation of electronic structure and martensitic transition in epitaxial Ni2MnGa films 2007 Physical Review B
Vol. 76(17), pp. 174407
Jourdan, M., Conca, A., Herbort, C., Kallmayer, M., Elmers, H.J. and Adrian, H. Tunneling spectroscopy of the Heusler compound Co2Cr0.6Fe0.4Al 2007 Journal of Applied Physics
Vol. 102, pp. 093710
Kallmayer, M., Schneider, H., Jakob, G., Elmers, H.J., Balke, B. and Cramm, S. Interface magnetization of ultrathin epitaxial Co2FeSi(110)/Al2O3 films 2007 Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics
Vol. 40(6), pp. 1552-1557
Kallmayer, M., Hild, K., Eichhorn, T., Schneider, H., Jakob, G., Conca, A., Jourdan, M., Elmers, H.J., Gloskovskii, A., Schuppler, S. and Nagel, P. Solid state reaction at the interface between Heusler alloys and Al cap accelerated by elevated temperature and rough surface 2007 Applied Physics Letters
Vol. 91, pp. 192501
Kallmayer, M., Conca, A., Jourdan, M., Schneider, H., Jakob, G., Balke, B., Gloskovskii, A. and Elmers, H.J. Correlation of local disorder and electronic properties in the Heusler alloy Co2Cr0.6Fe0.4Al 2007 Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics
Vol. 40(6), pp. 1539-1543
Krasyuk, A., Nepijko, S.A., Oelsner, A., Schneider, C.M., Elmers, H.J. and Schönhense, G. Magnetic stray fields of patterned permalloy structures investigated by photoemission electron microscopy 2007 Applied Physics A-Materials Science & Processing
Vol. 88(4), pp. 793-796
Kukunin, A., Prokop, J. and Elmers, H.J. Temperature-driven spin reorientation transition in Fe/Mo(110) nanostructures 2007 Physical Review B
Vol. 76(13), pp. 134414
Martyanov, O.N., Yudanov, V.F., Lee, R.N., Nepijko, S.A., Elmers, H.J., Hertel, R., Schneider, C.M. and Schoenhense, G. Ferromagnetic resonance study of thin film antidot arrays: Experiment and micromagnetic simulations 2007 Physical Review B
Vol. 75(17), pp. 174429
Methfessel, T., Pratzer, M. and Elmers, H.J. Structural, electronic, and magnetic properties of pseudomorphic CrFe nanostripes on W(110) 2007 Physical Review B
Vol. 75(18), pp. 184419
Methfessel, T. and Elmers, H.J. Reconstructed bcc Co films on the Cr(110)/W(110) surface 2007 Surface Science
Vol. 601(21), pp. 5026-5033
Prokop, J., Kukunin, A. and Elmers, H.J. Spin-polarized tunneling spectroscopy and magnetic coupling in Au-coated Fe/Mo(110) nanostructures 2007 Physical Review B
Vol. 75(14)
Schönhense, G. and Elmers, H.J. Stroboscopic XMCD-PEEM Imaging 2007 Encyclopedia of Materials: Science and Technology, Elsevier, pp. 1 - 5 DOI
Schneider, C. M., Krasyuk, A., Elmers, H.-J., Nepijko, S. A., Schoenhense, G. Magnetization dynamics investigated by photoemission microscopy (PEEM) 2007 Journal of electron spectroscopy and related phenoma
VOL. 156, pp. XXXI-XXXI
Wegelin, F., Valdaitsev, D., Krasyuk, A., Nepijko, S.A., Schönhense, G., Elmers, H.J., Krug, I. and Schneider, C.M. Magnetization dynamics in microscopic spin-valve elements: Shortcomings of the macrospin picture 2007 Physical Review B
Vol. 76(13)
Wegelin, F., Krasyuk, A., Elmers, H.J., Nepijko, S.A., Schneider, C.M. and Schönhense, G. Stroboscopic XMCD-PEEM imaging of standing and propagating spinwave modes in permalloy thin-film structures 2007 Surface Science
Vol. 601(20), pp. 4694-4699
Frank, L., Mullerova, I., Valdaitsev, D.A., Gloskovskii, A., Nepijko, S.A., Elmers, H.J. and Schönhense, G. The origin of contrast in the imaging of doped areas in silicon by slow electrons 2006 Journal of Applied Physics
Vol. 100(9)
Kallmayer, M., Schneider, H., Jakob, G., Elmers, H.J., Kroth, K., Kandpal, H.C., Stumm, U. and Cramm, S. Reduction of surface magnetism of Co2Cr0.6Fe0.4Al Heusler alloy films 2006 Applied Physics Letters
Vol. 88(7)
Kallmayer, M., Elmers, H.J., Balke, B., Wurmehl, S., Emmerling, F., Fecher, G.H. and Felser, C. Magnetic properties of Co2Mn1-xFexSi Heusler alloys 2006 Journal of Physics D-applied Physics
Vol. 39(5), pp. 786-792
Kukunin, A., Prokop, J. and Elmers, H.J. Spin-polarized scanning tunnelling microscopy of ultrathin films 2006 Acta Physica Polonica A
Vol. 109(3), pp. 371-375
Prokop, J., Kukunin, A. and Elmers, H.J. Spin-polarized scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy of ultrathin Fe/Mo(110) films using W/Au/Co tips 2006 Physical Review B
Vol. 73(1), pp. 014428
Schönhense, G., Elmers, H.J., Krasyuk, A., Wegelin, F., Nepijko, S.A., Oelsner, A. and Schneider, C.M. Transient spatio-temporal domain patterns in permalloy microstructures induced by fast magnetic field pulses 2006 Nuclear Instruments & Methods In Physics Research Section B-beam Interactions With Materials and Atoms
Vol. 246(1), pp. 1-12
Schönhense, G. and Elmers, H.J. PEEM with high time resolution - imaging of transient processes and novel concepts of chromatic and spherical aberration correction 2006 Surface and Interface Analysis
Vol. 38(12-13), pp. 1578-1587
Schneider, H., Jakob, G., Kallmayer, M., Elmers, H.J., Cinchetti, M., Balke, B., Wurmehl, S., Felser, C., Aeschlimann, M. and Adrian, H. Epitaxial film growth and magnetic properties of Co2FeSi 2006 Physical Review B
Vol. 74(17)
Schmiedeskamp, J., Elmers, H.J., Heil, W., Otten, E.W., Sobolev, Y., Kilian, W., Rinneberg, H., Sander-Thommes, T., Seifert, F. and Zimmer, J. Relaxation of spin polarized He-3 by magnetized ferromagnetic contaminants Part III 2006 European Physical Journal D
Vol. 38, pp. 445-454
Schönhense, G., Elmers, H.J., Nepijko, S.A. and Schneider, C.M. Time-Resolved Photoemission Electron Microscopy (review) 2006 Advances in Imaging and Electron Physics (Ed. P.Hawkes)
Vol. 142, pp. 159 - 323
Schönhense, G., Elmers, H.J., Krasyuk, A., Wegelin, F., Nepijko, S.A., Oelsner, A. and Schneider, C.M. Transient spatio-temporal domain patterns in permalloy microstructures induced by fast magnetic field pulses 2006 Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms
Vol. 246(1), pp. 1 - 12
Escher, M., Weber, N., Merkel, M., Kromker, B., Funnemann, D., Schmidt, S., Reinert, F., Forster, F., Hufner, S., Bernhard, P., Ziethen, D., Elmers, H.J. and Schönhense, G. NanoESCA: Imaging UPS and XPS with high energy resolution 2005 Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena
Vol. 144, pp. 1179-1182
Fecher, G.H., Kandpal, H.C., Wurmehl, S., Morais, J., Lin, H.J., Elmers, H.J., Schönhense, G. and Felser, C. Design of magnetic materials: the electronic structure of the ordered, doped Heusler compound Co2Cr1-xFexAl 2005 Journal of Physics-condensed Matter
Vol. 17, pp. 7237-7252
Felser, Claudia, Elmers, Hans-Joachim and H. Fecher, Gerhard The Properties of Co2Cr1-xFexAl Heusler Compounds (review) 2005 Lecture Notes in Physics
(Ed. I. Galanakis and P.H. Dederichs)
Half-metallic Alloys
Vol. 676, pp. 113-152
Jakob, G., Casper, F., Beaumont, V., Falk, S., Auth, N., Elmers, H.J., Felser, C. and Adrian, H. Thin epitaxial films of the Heusler compound Co2Cr0.6Fe0.4Al 2005 Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials
Vol. 290, pp. 1104-1107
Krasyuk, A., Wegelin, F., Nepijko, S.A., Elmers, H.J., Schönhense, G., Bolte, M. and Schneider, C.M. Self-trapping of magnetic oscillation modes in Landau flux-closure structures 2005 Physical Review Letters
Vol. 95
Martyanov, O.N., Yudanov, V.F., Lee, R.N., Nepijko, S.A., Elmers, H.J., Schneider, C.M. and Schönhense, G. Ferromagnetic resonance investigation of collective phenomena in two-dimensional periodic arrays of Co particles 2005 Applied Physics A-materials Science & Processing
Vol. 81(4), pp. 679-683
Maul, J., Strachnov, I., Karpuk, S., Schilling, T., Oelsner, A., Bernhard, P., Elmers, H.J., Schönhense, G. and Huber, G. Periodic unmixing of a binary metallic vapor 2005 Physical Review B
Vol. 72(15)
Neeb, D., Krasyuk, A., Oelsner, A., Nepijko, S.A., Elmers, H.J., Kuksov, A., , C.M. and Schönhense, G. Sub-nanosecond resolution x-ray magnetic circular dichroism photoemission electron microscopy of magnetization processes in a permalloy ring 2005 Journal of Physics-condensed Matter
Vol. 17(16), pp. S1381-S1395
Oster, J., Kallmayer, M., Wiehl, L., Elmers, H.J., Adrian, H., Porrati, F. and Huth, M. Crystallography, morphology, and magnetic properties of Fe nanostructures on faceted alpha-Al2O3 m plane 2005 Journal of Applied Physics
Vol. 97(1)
Pratzer, M. and Elmers, H.J. Heteroeptiaxial growth of Co1-xFex alloy monolayers on W(110) 2005 Journal of Crystal Growth
Vol. 275(1-2), pp. 150-156
Pratzer, M. and Elmers, H.J. Scanning tunneling spectroscopy of dislocations in ultrathin fcc and hcp Co films 2005 Physical Review B
Vol. 72(3), pp. 035460
Prokop, J., Kukunin, A. and Elmers, H.J. Magnetic anisotropies and coupling mechanisms in Fe/Mo(110) nanostripes 2005 Physical Review Letters
Vol. 95(18)
Schmidt, S., Weber, N., Elmers, H.J., Forster, F., Reinert, F., Hufner, S., Escher, M., Merkel, M., Kromker, B. and Funnemann, D. Quantitative microscopy of magnetic domains in Fe(100) by core-level x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy 2005 Physical Review B
Vol. 72(6)
Valdaitsev, D.A., Kukunin, A., Prokop, J., Elmers, H.J. and Schönhense, G. Growth and magnetic properties of ultra-thin Co(0001) films on patterned Mo(110)/Al2O3(11-20) substrates 2005 Applied Physics A-materials Science & Processing
Vol. 80(4), pp. 731-734
Elmers, H.J., Wurmehl, S., Fecher, G.H., Jakob, G., Felser, C. and Schönhense, G. Field dependence of orbital magnetic moments in the Heusler compounds Co2FeAl and Co2Cr0.6Fe0.4Al 2004 Applied Physics A-materials Science & Processing
Vol. 79(3), pp. 557-563
Elmers, H., Wurmehl, S., Fecher, G.H., Jakob, G., Felser, C. and Schönhense, G. Enhanced orbital magnetic moments in the heusler compounds Co2CrAl, Co2Cr0.6Fe0.4Al, Co2FeAl 2004 Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials
Vol. 272, pp. 758-759
Pratzer, M. and Elmers, H.J. Structure and electronic properties of ultrathin Co films on W(110) 2004 Surface Science
Vol. 550(1-3), pp. 223-232
Pratzer, M. and Elmers, H.J. Magnetic and structural investigations of ultra-thin Co-Fe alloy films on W(110) 2004 Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials
Vol. 272, pp. 1201-1202
Pratzer, M. and Elmers, H.J. Magnetic and electronic properties of binary alloy monolayers: FexMn1-x and Co1-xFex on W(110) 2004 Physical Review B
Vol. 69(13)
Prokop, J., Valdaitsev, D.A., Kukunin, A., Pratzer, M., Schönhense, G. and Elmers, H.J. Strain-induced magnetic anisotropies in Co films on Mo(110) 2004 Physical Review B
Vol. 70(18)
Cinchetti, M., Oelsner, A., Fecher, G.H., Elmers, H.J. and Schönhense, G. Observation of Cu surface inhomogeneities by multiphoton photoemission spectromicroscopy 2003 Applied Physics Letters
Vol. 83(8), pp. 1503-1505
Cinchetti, M., Gloskovskii, A., Valdaitsev, D., Oelsner, A., Fechner, G., Nepijko, S., Elmers, H. and Schönhense, G. Emission Electron Microscopy of Nanoparticles in Strong fs Laser Fields 2003 Microscopy and Microanalysis
Vol. 9(Suppl. 03), pp. 168-169
Elmers, H.J., Fecher, G.H., Valdaitsev, D., Nepijko, S.A., Gloskovskii, A., Jakob, G., Schönhense, G., Wurmehl, S., Block, T., Felser, C., Hsu, P.C., Tsai, W.L. and Cramm, S. Element-specific magnetic moments from core-absorption magnetic circular dichroism of the doped Heusler alloy Co2Cr0.6Fe0.4Al 2003 Physical Review B
Vol. 67(10)
Felser, C., Heitkamp, B., Kronast, F., Schmitz, D., Cramm, S., Durr, H.A., Elmers, H.J., Fecher, G.H., Wurmehl, S., Block, T., Valdaitsev, D., Nepijko, S.A., Gloskovskii, A., Jakob, G., Schönhense, G. and Eberhardt, W. Investigation of a novel material for magnetoelectronics: Co2Cr0.6Fe0.4Al 2003 Journal of Physics-condensed Matter
Vol. 15(41), pp. 7019-7027
Pratzer, M., Elmers, H.J. and Getzlaff, M. Heteroepitaxial growth of Co on W(110) investigated by scanning tunneling microscopy 2003 Physical Review B
Vol. 67(15)
Pratzer, M. and Elmers, H.J. Domain wall energy in quasi-one-dimensional Fe/W(110) nanostripes 2003 Physical Review B
Vol. 67(9)
Pratzer, M. and Elmers, H.J. Structural and magnetic properties of Co-Fe binary alloy monolayers on W(110) 2003 Physical Review Letters
Vol. 90(7)
Prokop, J., Kukunin, A., Pratzer, M. and Elmers, H.J. Oxidation-driven changes of the in-plane magnetic surface anisotropies of the Fe(110)/Al interface 2003 Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials
Vol. 265(1), pp. 60-68
Pratzer, M. and Elmers, H.J. Lateral indirect exchange coupling in a two-dimensional nanostripe array 2002 Physical Review B
Vol. 66(3)
Pratzer, M., Elmers, H.J., Bode, M., Pietzsch, O., Kubetzka, A. and Wiesendanger, R. Atomic-Scale Magnetic Domain Walls in Quasi-One-Dimensional Fe Nanostripes 2001 Physical Review Letters
Vol. 87(12)
Elmers, H.J., Hauschild, J. and Gradmann, U. Morphology and magnetism of Fe on vicinal W(110) surfaces with different step orientation 2000 Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials
Vol. 221(1-2), pp. 219-223
Marx, G.K.L., Elmers, H.J. and Schönhense, G. Magneto-optical linear dichroism in threshold photoemission electron microscopy of polycrystalline Fe films 2000 Physical Review Letters
Vol. 84(25), pp. 5888-5891
Elmers, H.J., Hauschild, J. and Gradmann, U. Reorientation of magnetization stales in Fe-nanostripe arrays on stepped W(110) caused by adsorption of CO, H2 and O2 1999 Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials
Vol. 199, pp. 222-224
Elmers, H.J. Magnetismus dünner Filme 1999 Magnetische Schichtsysteme, 30. Ferienkurs des Instituts für Festkörperforschung
Elmers, H.J., Hauschild, J. and Gradmann, U. Onset of perpendicular magnetization in nanostripe arrays of Fe on stepped W(110) surfaces 1999 Physical Review B
Vol. 59(5), pp. 3688-3695
Gradmann, U. and Elmers, H.J. Magnetic surface anisotropies in NiFe-alloy films: separation of intrinsic Neel-type from strain relaxation contributions 1999 Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials
Vol. 206(3), pp. L107-L112
Hoche, H. and Elmers, H.J. Torsion oscillation magnetometry (TOM) of Fe films on Ni(111)/W(110) substrates 1999 Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials
Vol. 191(3), pp. 313-322
Elmers, H.J., Hauschild, J. and Gradmann, U. Magnetism of nanowires of Fe(110) on W(110) 1998 Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials
Vol. 177, pp. 827-828
Elmers, H.J. Magnetization states in ultrathin films with laterally modulated anisotropies 1998 Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials
Vol. 185(3), pp. 274-282
Hauschild, J., Gradmann, U. and Elmers, H.J. Perpendicular magnetization and dipolar antiferromagnetism in double layer nanostripe arrays of Fe(110) on W(110) 1998 Applied Physics Letters
Vol. 72(24), pp. 3211-3213
Hauschild, J., Elmers, H.J. and Gradmann, U. Dipolar superferromagnetism in monolayer nanostripes of Fe(110) on vicinal W(110) surfaces 1998 Physical Review B
Vol. 57(2), pp. R677-R680
Durkop, T., Elmers, H.J. and Gradmann, U. Adsorption-driven spin reorientation transition in sesquilayers of Fe(110) on W(110) 1997 Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials
Vol. 172(1-2), pp. L1-L8
Elmers, H.J., Weber, N., Wagner, K., Hauschild, J. and Gradmann, U. Perpendicular magnetic anisotropy in nanostructured pseudomorphic Fe(110) films on W(110) 1997 Mat. Res.Soc. Symp. Proc.
Magnetic Ultrathin Films, Multilayers and Surfaces
Vol. 475, pp. 189-194
Elmers, H.J., Schwabenhausen, J. and Durkop, T. Bilinear and biquadratic exchange coupling in Fe(110)/Cr/Fe trilayers 1997 Mat. Res.Soc. Symp. Proc.
Magnetic Ultrathin Films, Multilayers and Surfaces - 1997
Vol. 475, pp. 605-610
Gradmann, U., Durkop, T. and Elmers, H.J. Magnetic moments and anisotropies in smooth and rough surfaces and interfaces 1997 Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials
Vol. 165(1-3), pp. 56-61
Schwabenhausen, J., Durkop, T. and Elmers, H.J. Morphology And indirect exchange coupling in Fe/Cr/Fe(110) trilayers 1997 Physical Review B
Vol. 55(22), pp. 15119-15129
Wagner, K., Weber, N., Elmers, H.J. and Gradmann, U. Magnetization of free Fe(110) surfaces from thin film magnetometry 1997 Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials
Vol. 167(1-2), pp. 21-26
Weber, N., Wagner, K., Elmers, H.J., Hauschild, J. and Gradmann, U. Nanoscale spatial switching of magnetic anisotropy in pseudomorphic Fe(110) on W(110) 1997 Physical Review B
Vol. 55(21), pp. 14121-14124
Elmers, H.J., Hauschild, J., Liu, G.H. and Gradmann, U. Critical phenomena in the two-dimensional XY magnet Fe(100) on W(100) 1996 Journal of Applied Physics
Vol. 79(8), pp. 4984-4986
Elmers, H.J., Hauschild, J. and Gradmann, U. Critical behavior of the uniaxial ferromagnetic monolayer Fe(110) on W(110) 1996 Physical Review B
Vol. 54(21), pp. 15224-15233
Zoll, S., vandenBerg, H.A.M., Jay, J.P., Elmers, H.J., Meny, C., Panissod, P., Stoeffler, D., Dinia, A. and Ounadjela, K. Coupling mechanism in Co/Ru sandwiches with thin spacers 1996 Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials
Vol. 156(1-3), pp. 231-232
Elmers, H.J., Hauschild, J., Liu, G.H., Fritzsche, H., Köhler, U. and Gradmann, U. Blocking of magnetic long range order between the monolayer and the double layer of Fe(110) on W(110) 1995 Mat. Res.Soc. Symp. Proc.
Magnetic Ultrathin Films, Multilayers and Surfaces
Vol. 384, pp. 157-163
Elmers, H.J., Liu, G., Fritzsche, H. and Gradmann, U. Indirect Exchange Coupling For Orthogonal Anisotropies 1995 Physical Review B
Vol. 52(2), pp. R696-R699
Elmers, H.J., Hauschild, J. and Gradmann, U. Spleed With External Magnetic-fields 1995 Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials
Vol. 140, pp. 671-672
Elmers, H.J., Hauschild, J. and Gradmann, U. Coincidence of Susceptibility Maximum and Tc? 1995 Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials
Vol. 140, pp. 1559-1560
Elmers, H.J., Hauschild, J., Fritzsche, H., Liu, G., Gradmann, U. and Kohler, U. Magnetic Frustration In Ultrathin Fe Films 1995 Physical Review Letters
Vol. 75(10), pp. 2031-2034
Elmers, H.J. Ferromagnetic Monolayers 1995 International Journal of Modern Physics B
Vol. 9(24), pp. 3115-3180
Kohlhepp, J., Fritzsche, H., Elmers, H.J. and Gradmann, U. Magnetic-polarization of Epitaxial Cr and Pd by a Co(0001) Substrate 1995 Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials
Vol. 148(1-2), pp. 95-96
Plihal, M., Mills, D.L., Elmers, H.J. and Gradmann, U. Spin-polarized-electron Scattering Studies of the Fe Bilayer On W(100) - Theory and Experiment 1995 Physical Review B
Vol. 51(13), pp. 8193-8203
Elmers, H.J., Hauschild, J., Hoche, H., Gradmann, U., Bethge, H., Heuer, D. and Kohler, U. Submonolayer Magnetism of Fe(110) On W(110) - Finite-width Scaling of Stripes and Percolation Between Islands 1994 Physical Review Letters
Vol. 73(6), pp. 898-901
Elmers, H.J. and Hauschild, J. Magnetism and Growth In Pseudomorphic Fe Films On W(100) 1994 Surface Science
Vol. 320(1-2), pp. 134-144
Elmers, H.J. and Gradmann, U. Dependence of Magnetic Surface Anisotropies On Symmetries of A Nonmagnetic Overlayer 1994 Surface Science
Vol. 304(1-2), pp. 201-207
Fritzsche, H., Kohlhepp, J., Elmers, H.J. and Gradmann, U. Angular-dependence of perpendicular magnetic surface anisotropy and the spin-reorientation transition 1994 Physical Review B
Vol. 49(22), pp. 15665-15668
Fritzsche, H., Elmers, H.J. and Gradmann, U. Magnetic anisotropies of Fe(110) interfaces 1994 Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials
Vol. 135(3), pp. 343-354
Gradmann, U. and Elmers, H.J. Ferromagnetic Order Despite Antiferromagnetic Coupling Through Finite-size Spacer Layers 1994 Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials
Vol. 137(1-2), pp. 44-50
Gradmann, U., Elmers, H.J. and Kohlhepp, J. Oscillatory Indirect Coupling Between Perpendicularly Magnetized Co Monolayers Through Cu(111) 1993 Magnetic Ultrathin Films
Vol. 313, pp. 107-117
Kohlhepp, J., Elmers, H.J. and Gradmann, U. Magnetic Interface Anisotropies of Co/cu(111) and Co/au(111) Interfaces From Ultrathin Co Films On Cu(111) 1993 Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials
Vol. 121(1-3), pp. 487-489
Kohlhepp, J., Elmers, H.J., Cordes, S. and Gradmann, U. Power Laws of Magnetization In Ferromagnetic Monolayers and the 2-dimensional Ising-model 1992 Physical Review B
Vol. 45(21), pp. 12287-12291
Kohlhepp, J., Cordes, S., Elmers, H.J. and Gradmann, U. Oscillating Indirect Coupling of Perpendicular Magnetized Co(111)-monolayers Through Cu(111) 1992 Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials
Vol. 111(3), pp. L231-L234
Elmers, H.J. and Gradmann, U. Magnetic Anisotropies in Fe(110) Films on W(110) 1991 Journal of Applied Physics
Vol. 69(8), pp. 5216-5216
Elmers, H.J., Furubayashi, T., Albrecht, M. and Gradmann, U. Analysis of Magnetic Anisotropies in Ultrathin Films by Magnetometry in situ in UHV 1991 Journal of Applied Physics
Vol. 70(10), pp. 5764-5768
Gradmann, U., Liu, G., Elmers, H.J. and Przybylski, M. The Ferromagnetic Monolayer Fe(110) On W(110) 1990 Hyperfine Interactions
Vol. 57(1-4), pp. 1845-1858
Doebner, H.D., Elmers, H.J. and Heidenreich, W.F. On Topological Effects in Quantum-mechanics - the Harmonic-oscillator in the Pointed Plane 1989 Journal of Mathematical Physics
Vol. 30(5), pp. 1053-1059
Elmers, H.J., Liu, G. and Gradmann, U. Magnetometry of the Ferromagnetic Monolayer Fe(110) on W(110) boated with Ag 1989 Physical Review Letters
Vol. 63(5), pp. 566-569
Gradmann, U., Przybylski, M., Elmers, H.J. and Liu, G. Ferromagnetism in the thermodynamically stable Monolayer Fe(110) on W(110), coated by Ag 1989 Applied Physics A-materials Science & Processing
Vol. 49(6), pp. 563-571
Elmers, H.J. and Gradmann, U. Magnetometric Analysis of the Interaction of Ni(111) With Oxygen 1988 Surface Science
Vol. 193(1-2), pp. 94-108
Elmers, H.J. and Gradmann, U. Surface Magnetism of Oxygen and Hydrogen Adsorption On Ni(111) 1988 Journal of Applied Physics
Vol. 63(8), pp. 3664-3666
Elmers, H.J. and Gradmann, U. Magnetism of Interfaces between Fe(110) and noble Metals 1988 Journal of Applied Physics
Vol. 64(10), pp. 5328-5330
Gradmann, U., Elmers, H.J. and Przybylski, M. Magnetic-properties of Ultra-thin Films 1988 Journal De Physique
Vol. 49(C-8), pp. 1665-1669